It was no different after every war, whenever they stepped into the territory of the countries they had defeated to begin peace negotiations. It was the third night, and peaceful sleep had yet to find Viktor. Negotiations over the peace treaty were to begin tomorrow, and was expected to take no less than fourteen days. It was the dead of night, and the third day that the Rus army had been welcomed into the halls of the Katsuki noble family. ‘ And strong too,’ he realized in surprise as he pressed against the rough texture of the bark. The young King reached out and touched the tree. I wonder what colour the flowers would be in spring. Viktor gazed silently up at the big bare branches, the hard wood now coated with white dustings of snow. “You will just have to bear with it a little longer, Yuuri, until we sign the peace treaty with Rus.”

I am very sorry, and will be careful from this day on.” Yuuri fought the bitter tickle in his throat. I may have lost my country, but I refuse to lose my family.” And I do not wish for Rus to have a legitimate reason to take away any more of the things beloved from me. “Offence to the King of Rus is easily punishable by death. I just…” His father looked at him, and Yuuri now realized why his father had been so worried. We are men of Nihon, and we were bred of propriety and pride so I understand where these values may clash. I am sorry, I was thinking about how the realm is constantly at war, and I did not watch my tongue then, forgive me please, Otousan.” He bowed. “You and all of Hasetsu fought valiantly, Otousan, never ever blame yourself again! I. “NO!” Yuuri shouted, the sinking feeling in his gut now worsening upon knowing that his father had blamed himself for Yuuri’s own careless words. And those feelings stemmed from my own fault, having lost the battle against Rus.” “I know your words were spoken from a place of anger and sadness, Yuuri. Yuuri, ashamed at his own conduct, had chosen to skip the occasion altogether.Īfter a solitary dinner in his own room, he had been summoned to his father’s study. “I believe your mother and I taught you far better manners than what you had elected to show King Viktor.”Īfter Yuuri’s slip of rude words to the King of Rus during Hasetsu’s welcoming of their conqueror, Toshiya had entreated the Rus entourage to a fine dinner in the hall before showing them to their sleeping chambers. His father’s face was so very weary, and it pained Yuuri that most of it had been due to his own doing for the day. Is that what Rus commonly says to lands they have conquered? To take concoctions and wash away the pain of war?