Savage may therefore be merely complaining about his abuse of the English language. This translation is of course not true and is merely a Pattaya-English distortion of an old norse work pveit meaning cut, slit, or forest clearing.

For English speakers who are unfamiliar with ‘twat’, ‘idiot dickhead asshole motherf*cker’ is close enough” “Note: For the increasing number of Thai visitors to this page who may be unfamiliar with the word ‘twat’, you can use ‘kwai’ (buffalo) instead, but you must shout it out really loud for full effect. If you look into the cache he provided his own translations for ‘twat’. Although the pattayadays site is now down this little snippet below might have set off one of his moods.

I met his parents at the time who said Jeff was subject to mood swings. His Thai girlfriend was a keen red-shirt supporter. He lived in Pattaya, sometimes at his retired parent’s home and sometimes in a very nice condo along Beach Road. He was filmed during the red shirt troubles wearing a bandanna and saying of Central World: “We’re gonna loot everything, gold, watches, everything, and then we’re gonna burn it to the ground.” New life was added to the story when I revealed Savage had previously worked for the Queen at Buckingham Palace. He was described by the Sun for example as the ‘Brit thug of Bangkok’. Savage, 48, hit the headlines in the UK press not surprisingly in a rather negative way. He was jailed for three months by a court in Bangkok in July last year but was immediately deported having spent that time in prison already. Jeff Savage, 48, from Tonbridge, Kent, pleaded guilty to breaching an emergency decree imposed to halt anti-government protests.

A British blogger known as Spike Tennyson, who ran a website called ‘Pattayadays’ has apparently fled Thailand after he claims he received threats to his personal safety by Jeff Savage – the Briton caught on video threatening to burn down Central World during the red-shirt troubles in Bangkok.